WOMEN in Halesowen and Sandwell will be putting a new slant on the saying ‘charity begins at home’ when they join “The IN Thing” this autumn.

Cancer Research UK is launching an exciting new fundraising campaign, known as The IN Thing, and is urging women across the county to sign up for their free party pack as soon as possible.

The IN Thing asks women to rally their girlfriends together for a fun night in and to donate the money they would have spent on a night out to life-saving research.

They could spend their night in watching a weepy movie, having a clothes swap, singing outrageous karaoke, dancing the night away in a onesie or just catching up on the girlie gossip.

Hosts can set a fundraising target for their group and collect donations up front or on the night.

Whatever they choose, they will be helping beat cancer sooner from the comfort of their living rooms.

The IN Thing is launching in September to give hosts time to register for their free party packs, invite their friends and get ready to host their gatherings in November, after nights have drawn in and before the Christmas party season starts.

Paula Young, Cancer Research UK spokesperson for the West Midlands, said: “Women love a night with the girls but sometimes need an excuse for a get-together.

The IN Thing is the perfect reason to round up friends for a well-deserved fun night in and raise money for a great cause at the same time. Plus they can totally relax while they do it – no high heels or expensive bar bills to worry about!”

“Fundraising can be as simple as getting together on a Saturday night to watch Strictly Come Dancing and if Len says ‘SEVEN!’ the guests donate £7 to Cancer Research UK.

“And while friends have fun painting their nails or catching up on the gossip, they’ll be helping us in the serious task of beating cancer sooner.”

The IN Thing party pack provides everything needed to plan the perfect night in, including party planning guides, recipes and playlists, top tips, and exclusive offers.

Among the famous faces who have already signed up to support The IN Thing are TV and radio broadcaster Edith Bowman, model and designer Twiggy and actress and dancer Camilla Dallerup.

Edith Bowman said: “Having lost a number of people very close to me to cancer I feel it’s incredibly important to support Cancer Research UK.

The work they do is significant if we are to ever find a way of eradicating this horrendous disease. The IN Thing is the ultimate girls’ night in and a great way to beat the winter blues and bring forward the day when all cancers are cured. I’m IN and I hope all the women in Worcestershire will be too.”

To join The IN Thing and sign up for a party pack visit www.theinthing.org.uk