Halesowen and Rowley Regis MP Sylvia Heal has backed a British Heart Foundation campaign to encourage regular exercise.

Sylvia is endorsing the 30 a Day scheme which aims to tackle physical inactivity which kills one person every 15 minutes.

Inactivity is responsible for 20 per cent of coronary heart disease cases, killing 35,000 people each year.

The 30 a Day campaign aims to tackle the problem by showing over 50s how easy it is to get active and do 30 minutes exercise every day.

Currently only 30 per cent of 50 to 64-year-olds are active enough to safeguard their health.

Sylvia said: "I am pleased to support this is important campaign.

"I want to encourage over 50s to get physical, have fun and protect their future health. Activities you enjoy and can fit into every day life are likely to be the winners - be it gardening, vacuum cleaning or walking to the shops, all are great ways to fit exercise in to your lives".