fforts by residents to get traffic-calming measures implemented on a "death trap" Romsley lane look set to end in frustration.

People living on Dayhouse Bank say their road has become too dangerous because of speeding motorists and want speed cameras or chicanes built to slow traffic.

John Fraser, Head of Highways for Worcestershire County Council, told campaigners he would struggle to justify the implementation of such measures as the statistics show the road is not an accident blackspot.

Speaking at the village's Police and Communities Together meeting on Thursday August 16 he said recent traffic surveys showed most drivers did obey the lane's 40mph limit.

Mr Fraser said: "I cannot go to government and say here is a road where most cars are travelling within the limit and ask for traffic calming measures.

"That would not show us to be spending our budget effectively.

"That is the cold, hard reality of the situation."

Residents were told the cost of street lighting, which would be needed before any scheme could be put in place, could alone cost around £30,000.

Mr Fraser agreed to carry out further traffic surveys at the request of residents.

Meanwhile the police will use new laser equipment to target anyone speeding.

Pat Thompson, a resident on the lane, said the council should adopt a more caring approach.

She said: "Improving quality of life is supposed to be a government policy at the moment, but ours is not being improved by this situation.

"It is not the average speed which is important but the top speed."