JDC Dancevibe is a dance group for many different ages. The teacher teaches children from the age of four all the way up to adults. Some of the groups are based on age and others are based on ability.

This dance group is based in South Yardley at Hay Mills Congregational Church. The dance sessions take place in the evening on a Monday. The group is taught by a lady called Jade. I have been going to this dance group for a year now and I feel that this is a great opportunity to go out once a week to learn dances and then at the end of it all you will be part of a show that is performed in front of many parents and carers. This dance group will really help you boost your confidence.

There is sometimes an opportunity to dance in public depending on which group you are in. This is a good thing because when it comes to then going to a show, you won’t be as shy as what you may have been before, which means that you will dance more confidently on stage with the rest of your group.

If you do the dance exams, you will get a certificate and a trophy to show how well you have done. As far as I am aware of nobody has ever failed their dance exam and everyone gets a good grade. This is because the dance teacher will make sure you’re ready to do the exam a couple of weeks before so you only have to go over the dances a couple of times before being confident in doing the exam.

Beginners can also dance here as the dance teacher is supportive and will help you achieve good grades in your dance sessions. The prices are reasonably cheap. If you are looking for a dance place come and join us.