It’s been about a week or so since Ramadan started this year, and many Muslims have been feeling happy and at peace. Seen as one of the most important months in the Islamic year, it reminds us to love one another and appreciate the small things in life. This is very similar to Lent (which is ongoing right now), which Christians use as a time for reflection, penance and devotion to God- it is a way to practise self-discipline to better oneself.


Think of things you cannot live without. Is it your phone? Your favourite food? Coffee? Whatever it is, it may be very difficult for you to try to significantly lessen your dependence on these things. Yet, it is essential to be mindful of things we may be obsessed with and to avoid as much as possible this obsession, to ensure we can still have a peace of mind without these objects.


Both Ramadan and Lent remind Muslims and Christians of this, and encourage us to be in more tune with our spirituality and our relationships with God. It reminds us to be less materialistic, to consider the harmful effects of excessive consumerism in today’s society and to instead direct our thoughts to religion, truth and God. We make sacrifices and abstain from indulging in every one of our desires as we seek to live simply, even for a short period of time. We pray to God to forgive us and make our lives easier, and this gives Muslims and Christians alike a sense of purpose and peace in an otherwise fast-moving, chaotic world.


However, it would be good to point out that fasting and prayer is not only exclusive to people of faith. It is extremely beneficial to fast, both scientifically and mentally, and it acts as a physical reminder for us not to be too dependent on worldly objects, and to instead prioritise our inner peace and happiness. Whatever it is that you may find difficult to live without, you could try limiting your intake of it or even cutting it out for a while to see if it provides you with a calm sense of mind. For me, Ramadan is the calmest I am, and for a teenager doing her A-Levels, this is a very big deal.