A ROWLEY Regis businessman has made a vow to return to Zambia after a life-changing trip to the poverty stricken African nation.

Peter Kay, aged 54, helped build a school and community centre and is now hoping to raise enough cash to help refurbish a church.

Mr Kay, who runs Midland Retail and Supply Labels and Print, got involved in the project through his church, Bethel Christian Fellowship in West Bromwich, and now has the fundraising bug.

He said: “It was an absolute awesome experience to go and visit Zambia, a real adventure, and especially as we were helping local orphaned children.

“We visited schools, hospitals and a compound near Lusaka and everyone was just so welcoming it was very humbling.”

He and a friend, Mike Boyce, visited several projects run by The Rotary Club in Zambia, and met with local Christian organisations which are trying to provide education for orphans.

Peter, who is married with two children, raised thousands of pounds to pay for the visit through running the Black Country Half Marathon and enlisting the help of his customers.

He said: “Everyone back here was fantastic and a lot of my customers were very quick to donate cash which I am very grateful.

“I certainly am looking forward to going back over there in 2012 and I am already raising cash so we can really can a difference.”