PUPILS preparing to make the transition from primary to secondary school have been involved in exciting project to prepare them for the change.

Year six pupils from Welland Primary School had the opportunity to experience life at Hanley Castle High School by taking part in the Fun Zone Critters project.

For six weeks, the children took part in the design and technology project which allowed them the opportunity to let their imaginations run wild within the perimeters of their own design brief.

Children had the chance to work with a variety of materials including acrylic, wood and recycled materials and tools they would not have experienced at primary school.

They have developed accurate scale drawings, produced prototype models and manufactured their ideas while experiencing life within the high school before they start full time in September.

A spokesman from Welland Primary School said: "The children find this experience invaluable to help them with the transition between primary and high school.

"It is such a gigantic leap from being the big fish at primary school into the small fish at high school but this interesting and fun project allows the children time to settle at high school and spend break times familiarising themselves with the building, its surroundings and people.”