THE Friends of Broadwaters has carried out its big autumn clean up of the stream in Broadwaters Park with the help of volunteers from the Severn Area Rescue Association.

Essential work on the stream included the removal of the rushes and watercress from the stream which needed to be done before winter arrives to alleviate possible flooding.

However, not all the rushes removed from the stream will go for composting as some were given to the Friends of Springfield Park to plant in the edges of the Stack Pool to aid water quality.

Mike Abraham, chairman of the group, said: “We’re very grateful for the help of the Severn Area Rescue Association especially with the equipment they provided.

“They brought the boats with them so we could get out into the ponds and reach areas we wouldn’t usually be able to get to.

“They were also grateful to us, as we provided them with the training opportunities their members require.”

The group, which has about 36 members, was formed following a project instigated in 2003 by Wyre Forest District Council and members now dedicate their time to the up-keep of Broadwaters Park.

Now the hard work of the stream clean-up is complete, the Friends are looking forward to its Christmas market and firework display on December 6.