Guild membership reamins stable up to the present time with good attendance generally at meetings.

In 2011 the guild will be 50 years old, so we will be hoping to arrange suitable events.

January: Local David Wilcox gave an interesting, if somewhat unusual but entertaining talk on his involvement in ‘Viking England’ dressing in appropriate robes and describing many relevant items. He talks mainly to schools.

February: A talk by local R Earnshaw on the ‘Geology and industrial history of Wren’s Nest’.

This has recently received a grant for many improvements and additions – work to be carried out fairly soon.

March: The occasion of our AGM, all buisness matters were discussed – little change in committee and an interesting programme for the year given, followed by a short but entertaining session of bingo presented by two committee members with various chocolate prizes.

We were happy to see a photo of our guild’s ramblng ladies in the National Townswomen magazine – it boosts our profile somewhat.

Members join events from West Midlands Federation and Headquarters from time to time and our guild’s singers are now rehearsing a new programme to attend local venues.

Guild meets on third Thurdays at 7.30pm at Halesbury School, Feldon Lane, Hurst Green, and anyone is welcome.

The next meeting is on April 22.