I write in response to the wrap around cover on the local Halesowen, Dudley and Stourbridge newspapers. We are being asked to vote whether we want a cut in some services or to make a choice on what rate rise we would like to impose on ourselves.

I must remind everyone we have local elections to put councillors in ofice to run the council for us all. The councillors do get financially rewarded for their work.

I find it very political and very spineless to ask the people of Dudley Borough to make a decision on which we have elected them to do in the course of their duties.

The voting method does not follow any normal voting rules ie; must be over 18, one person one vote; one paper is delivered to one house, that house may have one resident or it may have six residents. This is not democratic! A true view cannot be gained by this method. On the front page of each paper it reads a total of 221,000 and online are reached each week. Dudley Borough has over 300,000 people. Not all the people have the chance to vote by newspaper and not everyone has a laptop to vote by that method.

This is a totally bad idea by a spineless council who are playing a political cop-out.How much did the newspaper wrap around cost? We were not consulted on our expenditure then.

Dave Boaler Cradley