HUNDREDS of children from schools across Halesowen sprinkled some Christmas magic in the town.

Children from 11 local schools joined together to sing carols in Somers Square, entertaining shoppers as well as proud parents and grandparents.

Halesowen MP James Morris and Reverend Hazel Charlton from St John's Church in Halesowen town centre attended the festive sing-song. 

Halesowen News: The event in Halesowen The event in Halesowen (Image: Handout)

The community carols event was organised by Halesowen BID and the music department at Earls High School, with music conducted by Esther Hyde to the sound of Earls High's brass band.

It was co-ordinated by Esther Hyde and Naomi Sevier from Earls' music department.

Halesowen BID manager Vicky Rogers said: "It was wonderful.

"It's a fantastic way to sprinkle some Christmas magic across the town."

The event which happened on Thursday (December 14) is held every year in the town centre and helps get shoppers into the Christmas spirit.