THE efforts of a Stourbridge pest control company to rid homes of uninvited inhabitants are to be featured on TV.

Wordsley based Pest Interceptors are set to appear on reality show Filthy Britain SOS after programme-makers followed the team around on jobs as they tried to help get rid of bothersome rodents and insects.

TV crews from Lambent Productions filmed the guys over four days back in December and January and the programme is set to air as part of the Channel 5 series which follows fearless teams as they attempt to clean up messy homes and gardens across the country.

Christan Hems, who founded the company with Mark Higgins two years ago, said: "They were long, hard days filming but we managed to squeeze in rats, mice, moles, squirrels, bed bugs and cockroaches."

Scenes were filmed in Stourbridge, Kinver, Wolverhampton and Birmingham - and TV crews also filmed at Christan's home in Wordsley as he took on an infestation of house mice at his own property.

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He said: "The TV people loved it but it was an absolute nightmare. I was getting woken up every night at around 4-5am. It just goes to show - everyone's susceptible. I was glad it was my house and not a customer's."

Thanks to his expertise, he was able to get rid of the mice and also helped to clear them from a neighbour's property but he warned: "One pregnant female house mouse can turn into 2,000 mice in 12 months."

Christan founded Pest Interceptors with pal Mark after originally working for a franchise and his son Ricardo Hems has also recently joined the business - and Christan added: "said: "We're also assisted by my trusty terrier Pinot.

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"We cover all pest problems from rats and mice to bed bugs and cockroaches and everything in between. Although we are based in Stourbridge we cover a large area including Wolverhampton, Worcestershire and Shropshire."

Pest Interceptors are expected to feature in several episodes of the popular reality TV show from Sunday July 26. The show airs on Channel 5 at 8pm or can be seen later on