A DUDLEY borough community champion has become a blood donor for the first time and is urging others to consider following suit to help save lives.

Founder of the Saleem Foundation, Shaz Saleem, has made a video of his experience to encourage others to consider giving blood to help the NHS meet the demand for donors.

Shaz, manager of Beacon and Express Taxis, said of his experience: "I donated blood for the first time, I want to first of all say a huge thank you to staff of The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust and NHS Blood Donation who made the experience very comfortable. It took 12 minutes and a pint of blood was donated. I was amazed to learn just one donation can save up to three lives.

Shaz Saleem at his first blood donation session

Shaz Saleem at his first blood donation session

"Donated blood is a lifeline in an emergency and for people who need long-term treatments. This is why it's so important we do our bit in supporting one another. I found the whole experience very comfortable, the staff were brilliant and explained the whole process and answered all questions.”

Shaz, from  Kingswinford, added: "There is a need of nearly 5,000 people to give blood every day to meet the needs of hospitals and patients. There is a huge demand for new black donors to provide blood donations for black patients with sickle cell disease.

"They need life-saving blood from black donors, which provides the closest match to their own. There is also a greater need for male donors and O negative donors - hospitals need this blood type most regularly as it can be given to all patients.

"It is so simple to become a donor by going online to www.blood.co.uk and registering your details on database."

Jayne Waltho, secretary of the Saleem Foundation, said: "I have been a donor for many years now, its such a beautiful gift to give, I applaud Shaz for raising awareness and I would encourage others to become a donor.”

To see Shaz's video of his first blood donation session go to https://youtu.be/FXFd96tUGwc and to sign up to become a blood donor call 0300 123 23 23.