BLACK Country MPs were split over their decision to vote on the “Plan B” restrictions, as Boris Johnson faced heavy criticism after a dramatic revolt.

Nicola Richards MP, West Bromwich East, voted in favour of the vaccine passports.

In a statement on Twitter, the former Dudley councillor turned Member of Parliament said: “Yesterday, MP’s voted on a new set of restrictions to slow the spread of the Omicron variant. I voted for these restrictions and I would like to explain why.

“It is abundantly clear to me that we must do everything that we can to prevent a lockdown. Lockdowns destroy lives and livelihoods.

“Day by day – even minute by minute – our scientists are learning more and more about the Omicron variant. But, for now, we still do not know for sure what the impact of the variant will be. And how it will impact those already vaccinated.

“By stepping in now, we will begin to slow the spread of the virus and buy time for our scientists to learn more. This will ensure that our decisions over the Christmas period are led by the data.

“Last night, I hesitantly voted for the new measures. We must take every single step necessary to prevent a lockdown in the new year, and reintroducing limited restrictions now will help the country avoid this damaging course of action.”

Other Black Country MPs that voted in favour of the “Plan B” measures include Marco Longhi (Dudley North), Suzanne Webb (Stourbridge), James Morris (Halesowen and Rowley Regis), and Mike Wood (Dudley South).

Suzanne Webb MP, Stourbridge, said: “I was really happy to vote for the government’s temporary Covid restrictions. My view is they are sensible and proportionate measures while we get to grips with understanding the new variant and the booster vaccine programme goes into full swing.

“These measures do not include so-called “vaccine passports” as some have said. People just need to have a Lateral Flow Test or to show their vaccination status before they go to certain activities in a small number of higher-risk environments like concerts. Again, this is sensible stuff and it has my full support.

“When more information is available about Omicron then parliament can look again at these measures and MPs can decide if they are necessary.”

But Shaun Bailey MP, West Bromwich West, voted against vaccine passports.

He is the only MP in Sandwell or Dudley boroughs to do so.

He said: “I took the decision to vote against the Government in regard to the new Covid restrictions, better known as Plan B, as there is currently very little evidence to suggest that Covid passports help reduce the spread of the virus.

Early indications from South Africa also suggest, that the severity of the symptoms of the Omicron variant, may not be as bad as we first thought. This will, however, need to be kept under review, as the data we have does not yet give us the full picture.

Vaccination is the best line of defence against Covid and that is why it is so important, more now than ever, to get Boosted. For those who have not yet come forward for their first or second jab – I urge you to do so.”

It comes as Boris Johnson suffered the largest rebellion of his premiership last night as 99 Conservative MPs voted against his “Plan B” proposals for coronavirus vaccine passports.

The revolt, which was larger than many senior Tories had expected, is the most striking challenge to Johnson’s authority yet. It was only beaten Theresa May’s first Meaningful Vote, which saw 118 Tory MPs rebel.

The current Covid-19 infection rate in Sandwell is 308 per 100,000 people based on data from 7 December to 13 December 2021. 1,012 people in Sandwell tested positive for Covid-19 during this one week period.

Wednesbury has the highest number of cases in the borough, at 357 per 100,000 people. 141 people tested positive for Covid-19 as of December 13.

In Dudley, 254 new people had a confirmed positive test result reported on 14 December 2021.

Between 8 December 2021 and 14 December 2021, 1,383 people had a confirmed positive test result.