A ROWLEY Regis pub's bid to build a covered seating area has been turned down by planners.

The Fourways Bar and Grill on Portway Hill had applied to the council to build a structure with timber and glazed walls and a retractable canopy in its garden.

It said it would have provided a "comfortable seating environment for customers wanting to relax after enjoying a meal in the restaurant" and help it survive in the current difficult trading conditions and "protect jobs."

But the application has been turned down by planners at Sandwell Council who said it could lead to more cars travelling to the pub, which may not be able to get onto the car park, and cause traffic issues on the nearby fourway junction with traffic lights on Newbury Lane.

A report states: "The applicant has provided insufficient information to demonstrate that the introduction of the formal covered seating area would not result in an increase in vehicular trips which would exceed the capacity of the existing car park.

"Therefore, considering the proximity of the public house to the busy signalised junction on Newbury Lane, and in the absence of sufficient information to demonstrate otherwise, there is potential for the proposal to cause highway safety issues."

Halesowen News:

Pic: How the seating area would have looked. Design by Peter Lee technical services

The pub had said that it needed more space to "accommodate the same number of customers" due to the "general desire to maintain social distancing" and that "if customer numbers cannot be maintained the business becomes unviable."

It stated the structure would not be used when the weather is bad and there would be no amplified music or speech inside it.

Public Health had said it was satisfied that the structure was acceptable with conditions regarding acoustic insulation, and that its hours would be limited until 11pm.

But the application was turned down. 

Halesowen News:

The pub is near busy Newbury Lane (Pic: Google)