Prison Chaplains work in prisons to help rehabilitate prisoners and transform lives. Thye help keep prisoners safe and offer them pastoral care and religious advice. They lead worship and offer teaching groups to prisoners to help them practice their religion whilst in custody. They aid in keeping the public safe and supply a safer environment for the community by lessening the number of victims on the streets. Prison Chaplains support prisoners by providing a safer environment to overcome any issues they're battling against. 

Prisoners sometimes self-harm or intend to commit suicide due to mental health issues, feelings of guilt, helplessness, or loneliness etc. Therefore, Prison Chaplains are there to support prisoners and provide effective ways of coping.  

People who are in the habit of committing crimes can find it difficult to get out of the crime cycle and religion is one of the ways of breaking this vicious cycle. Prison Chaplains can offer advice, support to prisoners, and help them to lead a more responsible and crime-free life. They also provide each faith group, worship sessions along with access to artifacts such as books of their registered religion or any religion they wish to gain further knowledge about. Within the prisoner community, there are bereavements of family members and loved ones and the chaplaincy team are at the front line to offer support and arranging private services and on occasions accompanying prisoners to gravesides and bedsides of loved ones. These are just of the few things the Prison Chaplaincy department does to offer support and a safe place for prisoners.  

“Chaplains work in a Multi Faith manner, meaning they work as one team, as one department and support each other in their work”. Chaplaincy Teams provide a safe environment for prisoners and work with outside faith communities to resettle them and help them build a better future. They assist prisoners upon release by introducing them to a place of worship who can support them once they are released. Prison Chaplains are unsung heroes of our community!