A Halesowen councillor has welcomed the introduction of a subsidy scheme for disabled residents to afford new dropped kerbs in the Dudley borough.

Cllr Simon Phipps tabled the motion which was approved at a full council meeting after hearing from one person who had been quoted £4.5k for a dropped kerb on Huntingtree Road.

It means the council will be required to trial a means tested scheme that will provide some or all the costs of a dropped kerb if it was proven to help a disabled resident become more mobile.

Cllr Phipps said: “I’ve been campaigning on a number of access issues in our area, like getting dropped kerbs and tactile paving outside Halesowen Leisure Centre and in residential roads.

"But driveway dropped kerbs are very expensive and the price is only increasing.

"The financial burden on those who have no choice but to create a new driveway to park adapted vehicles can be prohibitive.

“After hearing from several residents who have said they will struggle to afford to have the kerb dropped to park their disability vehicle, I thought that the best thing we could do is try to help them with those costs.

“This won’t apply to everyone, but I hope that those residents who need to use a driveway the most but can't afford the vast cost will now be able to.

"This will help disabled residents be more mobile and independent, which is exactly what we should be looking to facilitate.”

The motion called for an application process to establish that the primary reason for the dropped kerb is to allow a disabled person to be more mobile, that they do not have the financial means to afford the full cost of the dropped kerb and any other criteria the council deems necessary.