AROUND 200 objections have been lodged over controversial plans to replace a former golf course with 190 homes and a school in Oldbury.

Campaigners have urged Sandwell Council to bin an outline planning application to redevelop green space where Brandhall Golf Club once stood.

The former Oldbury club, based off Heron Road, closed for good in 2019 after 116 years in business.

Campaigners say the land – where there are over 2,000 trees – remains ‘vital’ green space for locals, wildlife and they will ‘fight until the end’ for it to be saved.

Sandwell Council had originally intended to build 550 homes, a new public park and school at the site.

But a backlash and pressure from Brandhall Green Space Action Group (BGSAG) forced the authority to reconsider.

Last year, cabinet members confirmed they would move ahead with plans for the redevelopment but reduced the number of new homes to 190. A new school and a public park would also be erected at the site under the proposals, revealed council papers.

A resident, who lives opposite the green space, wrote in an objection letter: “It will have a disastrous impact on wildlife. Being a local resident, and using the green space, I have encountered a large array of different wildlife such as: foxes, herons, egrets, bats, muntjacs as well as the many species of birds that nest in the trees.

“Taking away this will decimate their environment and negatively impact some species that are already vulnerable, particularly when we are seeing the wider impacts of environmental changes.”

He added: “The green space is an area that benefits the well-being of many of its local residents, as well as people from the wider area, as there are very few in our locality."

Another objection letter read: “It’s my belief [that] less trees will increase the effects of climate change and will add to noise and air pollution in this already congested area – which lacks green space. We need more, not less.

“I am also concerned about extra traffic on Wolverhampton Road, already heavily congested, especially during rush hour. The area is already a floodplain and this will only get worse if we lose more green land.”

Sandwell councillor Jay Anandou, founder of BGSAG, said: “The land is historic and must be saved. It’s diverse and offers fresh water streams and has incredible wildlife.

The Tory councillor, who lives locally, added: “When I issued a motion in 2021 asking the council to save the land from development, the then-Labour leader assured me that whatever the people decided in a public consultation would be what was implemented.

“83 per cent of residents said no to the development, yet Sandwell ignored their wishes. They’ve not kept their own promise of listening the public opinion. Based on the original consultation, this should never go ahead. We will fight until the end to stop this from happening.”

A decision on the planning application is expected to be made by Sandwell Council in the coming weeks.