A HALESOWEN school has been handed a 'requires improvement' rating by Ofsted.

Halesbury Special School on Feldon Lane has been downgraded from a previous 'good' rating to an overall 'requires improvement' rating.

In a report published on November 17 inspectors said improvements need to be made in areas including the teaching of reading, planning subjects and staff training.

Inspectors said: "All staff have not yet had access to training to become experts in teaching early reading.

"This means that pupils’ progress in developing early reading skills, phonetic understanding and a love of books is slowed."

Inspectors went on to say: "The school has not ensured that all subjects and pathways have an appropriately planned and well-sequenced curriculum.

"This limits how well learning builds on what pupils have learned in the past and how well prepared they are for future learning."

The school was given a 'requires improvement' rating in the quality of education category, 'good' in the behaviour and attitudes category, 'good' in personal development, 'good' in leadership and management and 'requires improvement' in the early years and six-form provision categories.

It has 172 pupils on its roll aged 4-19 and nine in its sixth form.

The report states: "Care and warmth lie at the heart of Halesbury School. Pupils are welcomed and valued.

"The school wants the best for its pupils. However, further work remains to be done to ensure that all pupils get the most from their time here.

"This is a time of change at Halesbury.

"Pupils with an increasingly broad range of complex needs are starting their educational journeys here.

"Consequently, the school has had to reconsider what some pupils need to learn, in what order and how they learn best.

"These changes are happening, but most are still in the early stages of development."