PLANS to convert a Rowley Regis house into a children's care home have been turned down after scores of concerned neighbours started a petition against the move.

Blossom Care Group's application to turn a detached house on Glaslyn Avenue into a home for up to four children aged seven to 17 with learning difficulties or mental health problems has been thrown out.

Sandwell Council planners said "the proposed use would be unsuited to the immediate area due to the impact of increased comings and goings and resultant disturbance" to neighbours.

Forty-two objections were received as well as a petition with 67 names.

Concerns included possible anti-social behaviour, cars parking on the street, noise and disruption to neighbouring homes, properties being devalued and unsaleable and the proposal being out of character.

A report by planners recommending it be refused states that staff change overs early in the morning and during evenings would "be very noticeable to neighbours."

They went on to say: "It may also result in a number of vehicles being parked at the property and on-street parking at any one time including carers, a manager and other professionals visiting the site.

"Concerns are compounded by the impact regarding noise and disturbance to surrounding residents."

Notes from the applicant, Blossom Care which is based in Burton on Trent stated that there would be a maximum of five staff members during the day and two overnight.

The application was refused on November 20.