A puppy named Colin is destined to become a life-changer, thanks to one of Guide Dogs Cymru’s youngest volunteers.

Jess Drewett, 28, has welcomed the tiny Labrador retriever into her Newport home. With the support and guidance of Guide Dogs staff, she will help to prepare him for the working life ahead by teaching him a range of specific skills.

Jess, 28, who is one of Guide Dogs Cymru’s youngest volunteers, said: “Colin is only two months old but he is already sleeping through the night. He's a very confident pup and toilet-trained already, so I'm impressed.”

Colin will live with Jess until he is at least 12 months old, when he will move on to “big school” for training.

He has big pawprints to fill, as Jess’s first guide dog puppy, golden retriever Kelly, is impressing her trainer in Cardiff.

Jess said: “It was tough saying goodbye to her after a year, but her trainer sends me pictures and videos, and she is clearly doing very well. She makes me very proud.

“Every dog is different, but so far I've always known what to do, thanks to the support of Guide Dogs. I even had time for a little holiday to recharge in between puppies!

“Colin is sponsored by the Coffi Lab chain, so I am looking forward to taking him to visit the staff when he is old enough.”

To become a puppy raiser, volunteers need access to a car. They have to be with the puppy for most of the day, and free to take their puppy into many varied environments – sometimes busy and difficult. Their yard or garden will also need to be securely fenced so that the puppy remains safely within its confines. Guide Dogs supplies basic equipment and covers all veterinary and feeding expenses.

Find out more about opportunities with Guide Dogs in your area by visiting guidedogs.org.uk/volunteer