A new scheme will see thousands of disabled people in the Black Country assisted in finding work.

The region has been selected as one of 15 areas to pilot the national WorkWell scheme.

The initiative aims to assist 4,000 people in their efforts to find or keep their jobs.



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The scheme incorporates various organisations to offer personalised support.

Organisations across the NHS, local government, job centres, social housing, education, the voluntary sector and wider employers.

The scheme, led by Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (BCHFT), aims to draw on the expertise of the partner organisations.

The collaborative was crucial in the successful bid, securing £3.7 million of government funding for the scheme.

BCHFT will assign work and health coaches to meet participants, understand their needs and career interests, and determining the necessary help to overcome barriers.

Long-term assistance will be provided via referrals to other services if required.

Dr Mohit Mandiratta, a GP partner at Feldon Practice who has been involved in the Thrive into Work programme, said: "We know people who are off sick for any extended period of time struggle to return to full-time work.

"We also know being employed has such a positive impact on physical and mental health and reduces the dependency on health and social care services.

"It is really fantastic that the WorkWell investment will help us to make a difference for local people through more employment support."

Kuli Kaur Wilson, chief strategy and partnerships officer at BCHFT, said: “I am delighted that the Black Country has been chosen as a pilot area for the WorkWell scheme.

"It is a testament to the strong partnerships across the region that has seen organisations work together with a shared goal to make a real difference to the lives of people in the Black Country."