ARMED police descended on Halesowen as part of an investigation into shots being fired in Oldbury.

Police with guns sealed off Long Lane in Shell Corner yesterday (Sunday June 9) at around 6pm.

Caroline Watkins took the above video of armed police officers on the street. 

A spokesperson for West Midlands Police said the officers in Shell Corner were carrying out "ongoing enquiries in the area" after two men were arrested on suspicion of possession of firearms after shots were fired in Grafton Road, Oldbury.

Police received reports that shots were fired on the road at 2.30pm yesterday.

The spokesperson said: "Two men, aged 34 and 35, have been arrested on suspicion of possession of firearms.

"They are currently in custody for questioning.

An armed officer on Shell Corner An armed officer on Shell Corner (Image: Caroline Watkins)

"We have not received reports of any injuries linked to the offence but our enquiries are continuing. "

They said the men were not arrested in Shell Corner. 

Anyone with information, including dashcam footage, can contact police via 101 quoting log 2189 of 9 June.