Halesowen mum of two Wendy Weavin (pictured right) opted for a career change with a difference when she decided she wanted to conduct humanist funerals.

Wendy was fed up with the daily grind after working for the Government for 30 years and since last March has been a celebrant for the British Humanist Association at ceremonies across the Black Country.

The 49-year-old was prompted to make the change when she attended her 72-year-old father Maurice King’s funeral.

Wendy said: “Listening to religious ceremonies the words seem to be all about God – not about the person who has died.

“My father had a humanist funeral and I thought how wonderful it was – warm and very personal.”

Wendy said her husband Keith, aged 52 and children James, 23 and Hollie, 19 have been very supportive of her unusual career change, as has her mother June. She said: “They think it’s great.

“I've had some very interesting funerals. Recently there was a couple who had been together for 67 years who died within nine days of each other – it was sad but joyful because they had gone together – they were devoted to each other.”

According to Wendy humanist funerals are becoming more popular, around one per cent of funerals in the UK are humanist.

Wendy said: “The feedback we get is incredible, people say how wonderful they are.

“People often don’t realise there’s an alternative to a religious ceremony.”

Wendy, who was christened in the Church of England, got married in a church and had both her children christened, now counts herself as an agnostic.

She said: “Since my father died my outlook has changed.”

She hopes to go on to train to conduct humanist baby namings and weddings.

Visit www.humanism.org.uk for further information.