IT’S refreshing to see a young girl so passionate about her community and fighting against injustice.

Hannah Clissett, seven, has created a video aimed at dog owners who do not bother to pick up their pet’s poo from outside her home. This has resulted in her three-year-old sister stepping in the mess and traipsing it around the house.

Hannah has also stuck a poster on her front gate warning dog owners. The poster reads: “If your dog does a poo, wipe it up.”

This girl is campaigning for something she firmly believes in and is driven to make a positive difference. I respect Hannah for voicing her opinion and sticking up for what is right, at such a young age.

I hope the guilty dog owners now dispose their pet’s waste in the proper manner, rather than them being lazy and allowing toddlers to walk in the filth.

It’s not the responsibility of others to clean it up. Just like having a child, there are responsibilities that come with having a pet. You wouldn’t allow a child to poo on the floor and not clean it up, would you?