RESCUE packs will not be prescribed to people who have not previously needed them during the coronavirus outbreak, it has been confirmed.

Herefordshire GPs say they are receiving a large number of requests for ‘rescue packs’, containing antibiotics and steroids.

Posts suggesting the packs can be requested by anyone with pre-existing respiratory conditions have been widely shared on social media.

"These are important for those with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and Asthma who have regular flare ups of their condition," a spokesperson for Herefordshire's Taurus said. 

"Access to these drugs enables people with these conditions to treat themselves immediately, often preventing the need for further medical intervention.

"However, evidence shows that steroids are unhelpful and possibly harmful in Coronavirus infection. We also know that antibiotics are ineffective against viruses."

In order to ensure that there is a sufficient supply of drugs for people who need them, Herefordshire GPs are asking people not to stockpile medication or ask for additional supplies that you do not need

They confirmed that rescue packs will not be prescribed for those who have not previously required them.