Chinese medicine has been one of the most natural forms of healing for over two thousand years.

Aiming to achieve the perfect balance of Yin and Yang, it regulates the meridians of the human body to unblock energy and circulation with two basic components, of which one of those is acupuncture.

This ancient healing therapy, which utilises thin needles to painlessly stimulate points on the human body, can be used to treat a number of discomforts, but at Tang Herbal Care in Peckingham Street Halesowen, perhaps one of the most popular complaints that they help to relieve with acupuncture is arthritis.

More than seven million people in the UK have long-term health problems due to this potentially life changing illness.

It is not only uncomfortable but, in many instances, with symptoms such as limited range of motion, numbness, tingling and swollen glands, living an ordinary life becomes almost impossible.

A regular customer at Tang Herbal Care, aged over 70, discovered this when he was diagnosed with the condition in his arms, back and legs, suffering for over ten years, rendering him unable to walk without the aid of two walking sticks.

After trying operations and steroids, he turned to Chinese Medicine and was given two courses of treatment.

Eventually he was able to walk again without having to use his aids, managing to do the things that he had not been able to do for himself for so long.

Mrs Danni Wang, a registered practitioner at the centre, explains that this is because the needles stop the joints swelling, stimulating the nervous system and improving circulation.

Not only that, but she firmly believes that 70-80% of people that try the healing therapy will experience welcome pain release, without side effects.

"Anyone who is confused by their symptoms or has been diagnosed with the condition should come and talk to our doctor, who will give you help and advice as to the next step to take," she explains.

"Especially at the moment when the rain and damp weather can worsen the condition, similarly skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema can also become inflamed and uncomfortable in wet weather and we can treat those too."

Tang Herbal Care is open six days a week, Monday to Saturday 10:30-5:30pm, so what are you waiting for? End your suffering today and call 0121 585 93 93 for a consultation.