Statistics show that 24 Million people in the UK alone are overweight or obese, with 10 million people so overweight that it affects their daily lives. Are you one of those people?

Isn't it time you did something about it?

Slimming World groups are the perfect answer to weight problems, promising no counting calories, no faddy diets and no points to keep an eye on.

Fancy egg, chips and beans? Help yourself! What about Steak and Kidney Pie and chips? Not a problem! Chocolate? Wine? Lasagne? Tuck in! On the Slimming World plan you can eat what you like, when you like, including meals that the whole family can enjoy together.

Elaine and Michaela are the proof in the pudding (pardon the pun). Having shifted an amazing eleven stone between them, the pair have kept the weight off with a combination of healthy eating and support and now they want to help you trim up your waistline and shed those pounds too, and they will help you to boosting your self esteem.

Running groups on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Halesowen, the slim-line duo promise to help you get in shape this year by putting you in control of what you eat and offering you the support of a warm and friendly group.

Welcoming the curious and the determined, Elaine and Michaela encourage people to come on down and have a no obligation chat over a cup of coffee to see if the plan is for them.

Both consultants, who focus on each individual's needs, are available all week - not just at the weekly sessions - so that if you need that little extra push it's there at the end of the phone and children are also invited to join in with their parents in a bid to combat childhood obesity. Give them a call to find out more.

Weigh-ins are confidential and sessions are recommended by the National Health Service, reflecting Slimming World's fantastic success rate.

Do you know someone who is desperate to change their life but hasn't yet found Slimming World? Is that someone you?

Whether you're 13 or 93 move towards a healthier lifestyle today and call Michaela on 0121 602 3267 (sessions held at Lutley Community Centre, Halesowen, Tuesdays 10am and 6pm) or Elaine on 0121 602 6081 (sessions held at St Peters Church, Hiplands Road, Halesowen, Thursdays 6pm and 7.30pm) and take advantage of their current brilliant 1/2 price membership offer.